The amazing Guy Bauer Productions team surprised me with this little video because I am a ridiculous human. I could not ask for better partners in making these videos!
Loyal KYOB readers will remember that last year, posts were published every other Wednesday as opposed to every week. But the tribe of KYOB readers was steadily growing – and I was getting more and more messages, emails, and opportunities to aid organizations with nonproprietary data and associated analysis. Something needed to change. I needed to post more frequently, of course, but my inability to make it to many conferences (dang, day job!) left me wishing for a better way to make the data shareable and accessible to cultural executives. Enter: Incredible support from the IMPACTS team and the amazing talent of Guy Bauer Productions.
The very first Know Your Own Bone Fast Facts video was posted one year ago (Admission Pricing is a Science – Not an Art), and my YouTube channel was born as a means to embed videos on this website. So far, I’ve posted 27 videos and I’ve received feedback that they’ve been shared in conferences, all-staff meetings, and board rooms. What a rush! I hope that these videos have been helpful to you in sharing fast facts with friends and colleagues and I hope that they – like other KYOB posts – have ignited passionate conversation within your institutions. (What other kind could I hope for?!)
Some fun facts: I’m wearing TOMS in all of the videos. (Comfort first, amiright?) Nika Vaughn Makeup Artists (earlier videos) and Makeup By Jaycie (more recent videos – and the lovely lady in the photos above) make me appear as if I kind of have my act together in the looks department (it’s a ruse). The Guy Bauer Productions team not only produces incredible videos with engaging graphics, but they are amazing partners. Shoot days are delightful celebrations of Potbelly sandwiches, donuts, drinking my weight in water, laughing with the team, “one more run-throughs,” and trying not to mispronounce “organizations” for the millionth time.
To celebrate a full year of KYOB Fast Fact videos, I would like to share your most shared and viewed of the bunch. These are the most shared and viewed on Know Your Own Bone, as a very vast majority of viewership takes place here on KYOB as opposed to YouTube.
Let us kick off this countdown!
10) Local Audiences Have Skewed Perceptions of Cultural Organizations (DATA)
Regardless of region or cultural organization type, local audiences are the hardest to please.
9) How Much Money Should Your Cultural Organization Invest in Getting People in the Door? (DATA)
Here’s how much money museums and cultural organizations should be spending to get people in the door – according to data.
8) Data Reveals the Best Thing About a Visit to a Cultural Organization (DATA)
Hint: It’s not seeing exhibits or performances. (That is a distant second.)
7) The Five Best Reasons to Add Millennials to Your Nonprofit Board of Directors
Don’t have any millennials on your nonprofit board yet? Your future might be tough.
6) Know Yourself: The Often Forgotten Key to a Successful Social Media Strategy
Don’t even think about creating a social media strategy without having your brand vetted by leadership first.
5) Which Is More Important For Cultural Organizations: Being Educational or Being Entertaining? (DATA)
From a visitor’s perspective, which is more important for cultural organizations: Being entertaining or being educational? Here’s what the data says.
4) Nonprofit Recognition: What Matters More To Visitors Than Your Tax Status (DATA)
Do visitors know that museums and other cultural organizations are nonprofits? Data says: Nope. Here’s what really matters to audiences about your organization.
3) Why Discounting Hurts Your Cultural Organization And What To Do Instead (DATA)
Discounts don’t do what organizations think that they do…
2) Five Data-Informed Fast Facts About Visitors To Cultural Organizations (DATA)
Visitors to cultural organizations often have certain telltale behaviors. Just for fun, here are five of them.
1) The Membership Benefits That Millennials Want From Cultural Organizations (DATA)
Don’t have many millennial members? Maybe you aren’t offering a membership program that millennials actually want.
Thank you to all of my great KYOB readers for your support and for sharing these videos! I plan to continue making these videos for as long as they are helpful to all of you. Cheers to another year of sub-three-minute (most of the time) fast fact videos!